Cask and Cannon Photos
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At Cask and Cannon, guests will join the ranks of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” for an evening of revelry, recreation and — of course — rum. Inspired by the iconic characters and scenes from the beloved Disney Parks attractions around the world, the new pub will be an eclectic yet cozy watering hole furnished with treasures “acquired” (read: pillaged and pilfered) during the pirates’ many voyages around the globe.
Visiting buccaneers will regale one another with tales of their own high seas’ adventures, cheer and jeer during live televised sporting events, and indulge in an extensive menu of rare, specialty and vintage rums and a selection of “bootlegged” brews developed specially for the venue and served straight from the barrel in true pirate style.
Aboard the Disney Destiny, you will join the ranks of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” at Cask and Cannon, a new pub inspired by the beloved Disney Parks attractions around the world! Here, you and your fellow buccaneers will regale one another with tales of your high seas adventures in an eclectic yet cozy lounge furnished with treasures “acquired” (AKA pillaged and pilfered) during the pirates’ many voyages around the globe.
An evening of revelry and recreation at Cask and Cannon wouldn’t be complete without an extensive menu of rare, specialty and vintage rums that would impress even the most seasoned swashbucklers. There will also be a not-so-secret selection of “bootlegged” brews developed specially for the venue and served straight from the barrel in true pirate style.
And rumor has it that the savviest treasure-hunters may even uncover a mysterious trove of looted libations served in an actual treasure chest! Sounds better than a bounty of golden doubloons, aye?